Our mission is to strengthen relationships

Corporate events help in bringing companies and their employees closer together. We know that performing management is not an easy task.

The logistics process (air, RSVP, transportation, and accommodation) is complex, involving factors such as: control, security, quality, and better cost performance, which the individual travel arrangements do not allow. This optimization brings a positive experience to your final public, as well as more quality and tranquility during their participation in the event.

Here our idea is to create relationships and strengthen ties with customers, suppliers, partners and even in the training of its employees.


The service operates in

fotos copastur eventos corporativos

In-person, virtual, and hybrid events

Several details need to be observed and their various requirements demand a complete and laborious immersion. Unlike what many people think, an event does not need to be only in person, there are several advantages of bringing your team together virtually!

We develop technological solutions based
on the needs of our customers. They are:

connect copastur ferramentas

Immersive and 100% customizable experience. Break away from the traditional!

Connect Copastur allows the creation of a fully customized 3D environment, making it possible to hold totally differentiated online events. We are free to create environments with all the visual identity of the venue, brand, or product, simultaneous or individual lectures, chat for participant interaction, brand and/or service exhibition (with space for videos, material downloads), and much more.

With all this customization, we add value and provide unique and differentiated experiences, making the participant actually experience an immersive environment.

We realized that this type of event is a trend for medium and large events, which can occur in a hybrid way and without segregating participants from other locations.

Our idea here is to create relationships and strengthen ties with customers, suppliers, partners, and even in the training of your employees.

calendario eventos copastur

A quick-access interactive calendar with the main information!

This is another Copastur solution based on the needs of our customers. It was created to understand what events are taking place in the country that can somehow impact corporate travel. For example, it is possible to understand if any events that may increase travel and accommodation costs are taking place during a trip.

The events calendar is updated bimonthly, on a consolidated basis in Brazil. In addition, they can be viewed in a simple way – just click to access the main information such as date, place, and time. It also has Google Maps integration, making it possible to trace routes, etc.

The tool can also be integrated with Travel Hub, so that the requester, traveler, or even the manager can quickly consult or follow up on events, regardless of whether the format is virtual, hybrid, or in-person.

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