Specialization in the offshore sector

The offshore sector is a world apart, with many specific needs. Therefore, Copastur created Corporate Energy, a specialized and customized service for what you need.

We help you reach your goals and go beyond. We offer not only the service, but the partnership in all processes, ensuring that the management is performed in a practical way.

gestao offshore embarcado

The service operates in:

gestao offshore copastur

Offshore service with all the planning of activities and requests

We respond according to the program that centralizes the process and sets up the schedules, according to the profile, the activity, and the needs of the offshore company. You do not have to worry about small day-to-day tasks, being able to dedicate yourself to more strategic activities.

We develop technological solutions based on the needs of our customers. They are:

energy ferramenta offshore copastur

Our job is to facilitate the complex Offshore dynamics, working together with our customers, optimizing time, and reducing costs.

The tool was born from the needs of our customers, thinking about speed, knowledge, and practicality in the very particular offshore procedures. The transportation of crews is something complex and each customer has specific needs.

The transportation of crews is complex and in many cases, it was necessary to connect the systems that our customers were already using to our OBTs. This integration makes the process more online, making it easier for our teams to operate. Our consultants receive this information in a list form, in a cleaner and more direct way, which makes it easier to see where the platform is located, what the request is, passenger ID, cost center, etc. The customer can also choose which OBT the integration will be performed with to generate emissions, reservations, etc.

In addition, the offshore world is a market that is constantly changing, which calls for faster and 24-hour solutions. Our tool was built contemplating all of these details.

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